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Special Links

Special links are provided to assist you in performing certain tasks or remedy common problems by simply pasting a link into your browser that provides direct communication with your CSB system. You can also save these as browser bookmarks on any of your devices. To save a link as a bookmark, right-click on a link and select “Add Link to Bookmarks” if your browser supports this. For other browsers, you will need to copy the link then create a bookmark manually.

All of these links perform some function that will let you control some area of CSB operation without the need to log into the device.

To access the Special Links page, click on </> Advanced on the right sidebar menu. Each link is well documented on the Special Links page.

The displayed links are not clickable. They must be copied and pasted into a browser address bar.

ℹ️ Links are unique to your CSB device, so a link from one CSB will not work on another.

special_links.txt · Last modified: 2022/10/11 14:21 by admin